Over 3500 miles, 85 odd hours of riding, 4 ferry journeys, 6 runways ridden on, all completed on motorcycles generously loaned by Triumph UK. The challenge was created to raise awareness of prostate cancer following the death of a friend and colleague, and we did this by visiting all 24 NATS and NATS Solutions Air Traffic Control units, and meeting with the teams there. In addition, we wanted to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK, and another charity close to our hearts, Aerobilty, who offer disabled people the opportunity to fly an aeroplane.
Aerobility Team - Blackbushe - Day 4
We recently participated in Aerobility Live as part of the Blackbushe Air Show. Team members took to the stage for a Q&A session which was broadcast live on YouTube
Aerobility Live on Stage with Shaun, Harvey & Rich
If you would be able to host the team talking at an event you are organising, raising awareness for Prostate Cancer UK and Aerobility via the challenge, please get in touch via the contact page. …. we love a good natter!
Middle Wallop - Last Day
We will finally close this 24in24 challenge at the Aerobility Aviators Ball in November, announcing the totals raised so far for both charities.
Thank you all so much for your continuing support from all of us at 24in24, Prostate Cancer UK, and Aerobilty, you are undoubtably saving lives and changing lives.
In April 2024 after 14 months of preparation, a team of 4 Air Traffic Controllers took on an epic motorcycling challenge, riding from Aberdeen through Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, Wales, and Spain to Gibraltar…and back to the UK all within 17 days!
Runway 24 - Farnborough - Day 5
The welcome and responses received from the units and so many other groups and individuals has been phenomenal. We were granted experiences money could never buy, by teams who understood what we were trying to achieve and got behind the whole event. Riding down London City Runway at 1am, being followed by a police helicopter down St Athan runway, and motorcycling to the top of the Rock of Gibraltar on private land with the MOD (just like James Bond) are some of the unique moments. Just as special were the people who went out of their way to welcome us to their units, or met us along the way, with warmth and a willingness to talk openly about their experience of prostate cancer. We were also well supplied with the occasional cake 😊 We can never thank those people enough, you know who you are.
Aberporth - Day 6
Aberporth - Day 6
Night - London City - Day 4
Top of the Rock of Gibraltar
We’re not done yet! There are still several events planned to include auctioning donated items, taking part in music fundraising events, and providing talks about the trip and the challenge to any group who will have us! We really want to make a difference to both these charities and raise more funds, with your help.
Arai helmet signed by motorcycling greats to be auctioned by Bonhams, Live music event, donations from Lasham Gliding Club, Mitie and other groups for auction late this year
Our blog pages kept track of the team as they went about the challenge, so please have a read, and look at the photos. We also used Instagram and Facebook to share progress, there are some great videos and images on there, including the midnight London City runway motorbike blast.